Home > Artworks > Marina Leonor Martinez y Casas

Photo of Marina Leonor Martinez y Casas Mexico

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Born in Mexico DF Perform studies of Interior Design and Architecture.

Painting with Stuart and Angel Antonio Fandiño it is making me teaching the Academic Technical Spanish ..

Dibujo modern model with him maestro Armando Eguiza.

Shop engraved with Lic. Irma Holguera.

Arts Workshop and thought with Othon Tellez.

He painted sporadically throughout my life, taking with more...

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See everything we offer you!
23.62 x 31.50 in
23.62 x 31.50 in
35.43 x 39.37 in
41.34 x 41.34 in
35.43 x 39.37 in
24.80 x 75.98 in
15.75 x 11.81 in
15.75 x 11.81 in
15.75 x 11.81 in
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Born in Mexico DF Perform studies of Interior Design and Architecture.

Painting with Stuart and Angel Antonio Fandiño it is making me teaching the Academic Technical Spanish ..

Dibujo modern model with him maestro Armando Eguiza.

Shop engraved with Lic. Irma Holguera.

Arts Workshop and thought with Othon Tellez.

He painted sporadically throughout my life, taking with more discipline and professionalism since 1999.

He participated in about fifty exhibitions in the cities of Tampico, Tam Matamoros, Cd, Victoria, Laredo, Reynosa, Mexico

Of individual House of Culture, the first and it Cultural Metropolitano, a second, both in Tampico Tam where I live.

Dual exposure in the Casa de la Cultura of Tampico.

He received reconocimiento:

1969 Special Diploma in him First National Competition of Chamber of Commerce en el Auditorio Nal. Mexico City, siendo jurors David A. Siqueiros, Ruth Rivera, Salvador Novo among Others.

1999 Third prize in the competition he Ramon Garcia Jurado Zurita siendo Fanny Rabelo.

2006-2010 He was selected for display in the temporary exhibition hall of the Metro. in group exhibitions at various times.

In 2009 he obtuve First Place in Regional Competition Ramon Garcia Zurita.

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